Campus and Community

Campus and Community

Seminário SCERG

No âmbito do Ciclo de Seminários SCERG – 2021,  vai realizar-se mais uma sessão, subordinada ao tema: “Remodelling the complex pancreatic cancer tumour microenvironment via tissue engineering” 23 Julho, 6ª feira, 13h, online Oradora convidada, Dra. Eirini Velliou (University College London, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, Centre ...

Campus and Community

Welcome session for new Students

On the 2nd of October, we prepared for you a Welcome Session to Técnico that will take place online, starting at 3pm. During this remote session, you will be able to meet our president, Professor Rogério Colaço, the Management Committee of the Taguspark campus, the ...