

Viver a Cultura @Técnico Taguspark: edição de junho

Do cruzamento da pintura de Gonçalo Goulão e do piano de João Dias Ferreira nasce o Viver a Cultura @Técnico Tagus do mês de junho. Os tons quentes e dourados do Alentejo, de onde é natural, parecem iluminar as suas obras, senão veja-se o calor que ...

Campus and Community

Maratona Hackathon 100% In – ADIADA

Devido a situação pandémica, a maratona Hackathon 100% In, que estava prevista para 2 e 3 de dezembro, foi adiada para a próxima primavera, com novas datas a indicar. ____________ Nos dias 2 e 3 de dezembro de 2021 irá realizar-se a maratona Hackathon 100% In, uma ...

Campus and Community

Seminário SCERG

No âmbito do Ciclo de Seminários SCERG – 2021,  vai realizar-se mais uma sessão, subordinada ao tema: “Remodelling the complex pancreatic cancer tumour microenvironment via tissue engineering” 23 Julho, 6ª feira, 13h, online Oradora convidada, Dra. Eirini Velliou (University College London, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, Centre ...


MOJO 2021

On May 31st, between 9:00 am and 6:30pm, Instituto Superior Técnico’s Games Lab will organize a special livestream edition of the 14th MOJO.


CEG-IST Seminar | Freeman Marvin

As part of the “Cycle of Seminars CEG-IST”, promoted by the Center for Management Studies of IST, a lecture will be held, on May 28th, with Freeman Marvin.


SCERG-iBB Seminar | May 28

The Stem Cell Engineering Research Group (SCERG) at iBB – Institute for Biosciences and Bioengineering will organise a new session of the SCERG seminars – 2021, on May 28.


SCERG-iBB Seminar | May 21

The Stem Cell Engineering Research Group (SCERG) at iBB – Institute for Biosciences and Bioengineering will organise a new session of the SCERG seminars – 2021, on May 21.


CEG-IST Seminar | Ana Sara Costa

As part of the “Cycle of Seminars CEG-IST”, promoted by the Center for Management Studies of IST, a lecture will be held, on May 14th, with Ana Sara Costa (CEGIST).


SCERG-iBB Seminar | May 14

The Stem Cell Engineering Research Group (SCERG) at iBB – Institute for Biosciences and Bioengineering will organise a new session of the SCERG seminars – 2021, on May 14.


CEG-IST Seminar | Ana Camanho

As part of the “Cycle of Seminars CEG-IST”, promoted by the Center for Management Studies of IST, a lecture will be held, on April 30, with Ana Camanho (FEUP).