
Técnico launches Oeiras in Space

Date: 9th July
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Location: Central Atrium, Instituto Superior Técnico Polo de Oeiras

Técnico launches Oeiras in Space will take place on 9 July at 5pm in the central atrium of the Instituto Superior Técnico Pólo de Oeiras. The event marks the launch of ISTSAT-1 and the creation of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub, a partnership between Oeiras City Council, the Centre for Engineering and Development (CEiiA) and the Instituto Superior Técnico.


17pm | Reception of guests

Rogério Colaço, Presidente do Instituto Superior Técnico
Isaltino Morais, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras

17:10pm | Debate: How to prepare the next generation for a new era in space?

André Dias | CEiiA
Fernando Lau | Instituto Superior Técnico
Pedro Coimbra | PTSPACE
Júlia Martinho | Projeto RED
Manuel Santos | NanosatLab
Moisés Piedade | Instituto Superior Técnico
Ricardo Mendes | Tekever
Sérgio Barbedo | Thales Edisoft 

Zita Martins | Instituto Superior Técnico

Moderation: Pedro Amaral | Instituto Superior Técnico

17:40pm |  Potential for collaboration in the context of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub

Francisco Vilhena da Cunha | Geosat

17:50pm |  Potential for training and valorisation in the context of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub

Joana Mendonça | Instituto Superior Técnico

18:00pm | Creation of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub. Signing of the Oeiras City Council – Instituto Superior Técnico – CEiiA Protocol.

Isaltino Morais | Mayor of Oeiras
José Rui Felizardo | CEiiA CEO
Rogério Colaço| President of Instituto Superior Técnico

18:30pm | ISTSAT 1

Video Presentation ISTSAT-1

Carlos Fernandes | NanosatLab

19:00pm | Closing ceremony

Luís Ferreira  Rector of the University of Lisbon
Fernando Alexandre | Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation
