N3E joins, for the fifth consecutive time, the National Robotics Festival

N3E – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Eletrónica of Instituto Superior Técnico participated, last April 30th, in the National Robotics Festival that this year took place at the University of Coimbra.
It’s the fifth consecutive time that N3E participates in this Festival. This year, the participation focused on the Robot @ Factory and Autonomous Driving competitions and the results were very good!
Here’s a summary of the participation:
“On April 30th, the Robotics group of the Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Eletrónica of Instituto Superior Técnico (N3E) participated for the fifth consecutive time in the National Robotics Festival, which this yera took place at the University of Coimbra. Traveled about 220 km to Coimbra, it was time to show, once again, what our N3E Robotics teams worth in the National Robotics Festival. In this edition, our teams were concentrated in two competitions, the Autonomous Driving and the Robot @ Factory. After the excellent results achieved last year, this year’s expectations were high and it was going to be difficult to keep up with the previous feats.
The N3E Forklift team participated in the Robot@Factory competition, whose purpose was to recreate a problem inspired by the challenges that an autonomous robot must face during its use in a factory, composed by a supply warehouse, a final product warehouse and eight processing machines. The task of robots consists in carrying the material between warehouses and machines, and for this purpose they must have capabilities that include collecting, unloading and transporting in the fastest way. This participation worth a 3rd place!
The N3E Xuning team participated in the category of Autonomous Driving, which consists in the development of a mobile and autonomous robot that aims to travel along a closed lane following the traffic rules and doing the processing and analysis of the collected images. The team is currently adapting the work developed in the previous years as a project for the dissertation, reason why this participation allowed to simulate and to test all the work developed until then.
The long nights of work, few hours of sleep and miles traveled are not enough reasons to prevent the group of students of Instituto Superior Técnico to reach their goals and the proof of this are the good results achieved and the will and passion for what they do!”
Ana Marta Borges, President of N3E